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Donut & Ah Meow 顏色積木遊戲

Donut & Ah Meow 顏色積木

“Donut & Ah Meow 顏色積木” 套裝包含不同形狀的立體積木,你知道這些立體的名稱和特性嗎?玩積木遊戲之前,讓我們跟Donut一起認識不同的立體圖形吧﹗

積木 名稱 特性
cylinder 圓柱




elliptic cylinder 橢圓柱



elliptic cylinder

quadrilateral prism 四角柱



quadrilateral prism

cuboid 長方體




oblique quadrilateral prism 斜四角柱


oblique quadrilateral prism

triangular prism 三角柱



triangular prism

hexagonal prism 六角柱



hexagonal prism





遊戲1:包剪揼層層疊    對象:K1-K3 小孩,2-3 人





  1. 把其中一塊積木先放在桌中央。
  2. 2-3人猜包剪揼,輸家任意取一塊積木疊在桌中央的積木上,疊高時不能弄跌其他積木。
  3. 重覆猜包剪揼並疊高積木,如疊高時弄倒積木塔便輸。
  4. 成功堆疊所有積木並不倒的玩家為勝。

遊戲2:幻想工程師        對象:K1-K3 小孩,1 人 (進階版:2 人或以上)





  1. 用各種積木自由創作砌出物件。
  2. 砌好後可以告訴老師/照顧者該物件的特徵,並說說怎樣看出堆出的積木是該物件。
  3. 進階版:2人或以上玩,可以1人負責堆積木,其他人輪流猜猜所砌出的是什麼物件,正確猜得出該物件的玩家為勝。



★       ★       ★       ★       ★

“Donut & Ah Meow building blocks set” includes blocks in different colours and shapes. Do you know their names and characteristics? Let’s learn the different shapes with Donut!

Blocks Name Characteristics
cylinder 圓柱



A cylinder has two circular faces and a curved lateral surface. If we face the curved surface down, the block will roll.
elliptic cylinder 橢圓柱


elliptic cylinder

An elliptic cylinder has two oval faces and a curved lateral surface. If we face the curved surface down, the block will roll too.
quadrilateral prism 四角柱


quadrilateral prism

A quadrilateral prism has a quadrilateral base. This base is a rhombus.
cuboid 長方體



Cuboid looks like a long stick. It base is a square. It has rectangular lateral surfaces.
oblique quadrilateral prism 斜四角柱

oblique quadrilateral prism

An oblique quadrilateral prism looks like an inclined quadrilateral prism. It can easily fall!
triangular prism 三角柱


triangular prism

The base of a triangular prism is triangle.
hexagonal prism 六角柱


hexagonal prism

The base of a hexagonal prism is a hexagon. It has six edges.


Observe each block carefully. Can you tell their differences and characteristics?
Learn about the shapes and play the following games together!


Game 1: Tower builders    Target: K1-K3 children, 2-3 people

Skills/abilities trained: observation of the characteristics of different shapes, concentration, balance


This game allows children to understand the characteristics of different shapes. It also trains children's concentration and builds their fine motor skills. More advanced players may explore how stacking a certain block may affect the stability of the block tower. For example, placing a block with a larger surface at the bottom makes the block tower more stable; or stacking a block with a curved surface will make the next block fall easily. Players are recommended to learn about the shapes before playing this game.


  1. Place a block at the centre of the table to start the game.
  2. Players play rock, paper, scissors. The loser chooses a block and stack it on the first block to make a block tower. Players cannot touch the other blocks during stacking.
  3. Repeat the above process. Keep stacking until the block tower falls over.
  4. The first player to finish stacking all the blocks wins.

Game 2: Creative Engineer          Target: K1-K3 children, 1 person (Advanced version: 2 or more people)

Skills/abilities trained: imagination, communication, balance


This game encourages children to become creative engineers by using their imagination to build different objects with the building blocks. After building an object, parents can encourage children to talk about the features and characteristics of the object in order to enhance children’s communication skills and logical thinking. When the game is played as a multiplayer guessing game, children can also learn to review and reflect on ways to improve their design to make the stacked blocks more similar to the actual object.


  1. Create and build objects using different building blocks.
  2. After building an object, the player can share with the parent/caregiver the characteristics of the object, and talk about how the stacked blocks and the actual object are similar.
  3. Advanced version: For 2 or more players. 1 player builds an object with the blocks. The other players will take turns to guess what the object is. The player who guessed the object correctly wins.